The Collision Repair Process

Collision repair is complicated.

It is important you have a basic understanding of the repair process. There are many steps to bring your vehicle back to factory specifications after an accident. Insurance companies may try to only pay for wrong repair decisions that do not follow OEM guidelines.

We will fight by your side to keep your vehicle original and safe.

We work for you, not the insurance company.

Where do I start?


An Estimate is written so ICON, the insurance company, and you all know which parts and procedures are needed to repair your vehicle, as well as how much they cost. Preliminary Estimates are normally written by the insurance company or someone they hire. The Preliminary Estimate needs to be written before your vehicle is dropped off for repair. We use this estimate and a visual of your damages to know when to best schedule your drop off Appointment.

If you are trying to decide if you want to Self Pay or file an Insurance Claim, it then makes sense for you to request an estimate from us first. We will caution you if we suspect any hidden damage will be found when the vehicle is first disassembled for repairs. Those hidden damages could change your decision to use an Insurance Claim! Hidden damage is common.

Insurance companies DO NOT typically accept shop estimates for Preliminary Estimates.

If you already have an insurance claim, request a photo or staff estimate from the Insurance Company first. Doing this will speed up the process

It is important to understand who is responsible for paying before you drop off your vehicle for repair.

  • If you are hit by someone else, who is insured, and who is found at fault for the accident, you become the Claimant. The at fault driver becomes the Insured.

    The Insured’s insurance company is now financially responsible for the damage for your vehicle. This will become an Insurance Claim. If the other driver does not have Insurance coverage, or, they fled the scene and are unknown, you have the option to file an Uninsured Motorist claim on your own insurance policy. Your insurance company will pursue the at fault party to try and recoup your deductible and their own repair expenses. Most of the time you will still owe a deductible for an Uninsured Motorist claim.

    The Insured may want to settle with you without using an Insurance Claim. We would only ever recommend this for light, cosmetic damage. Modern automobiles are complex and unforeseen repairs and calibrations may be needed which will add to the repair estimate.

  • If you hit someone’s vehicle, and you are at fault for the accident, you become the Insured. The other driver becomes the Claimant

    Your insurance company is now financially responsible to the damage Claimant’s vehicle. This will be an Insurance Claim against your Liability coverage. Liability coverage is the legal minimum insurance coverage which pays for damages you cause to other people’s property. If repairs will be covered by your insurance for your own vehicle depends on if you carry Collision coverage. If not, you will be responsible for paying to repair your own vehicle.

    You may want to settle with the Claimant without using an Insurance Claim. We would only ever recommend this for light, cosmetic damage. Modern automobiles are complex and unforeseen repairs and calibrations may be needed which will add to the repair estimate.

  • Vehicle damage can happen in various ways. Damage can come from natural forces (wind, water, falling trees, etc.). Vandalism and flooding are also good examples of non collision losses. Most of the time, these situations are handled as Comprehensive claims or Uninsured Motorist claims.


Towing a Non-Drivable Vehicle

Call us at 901-213-3266

We can arrange a tow with our recommended towing service Bartlett Towing

OK, I have the estimate and know who is responsible.

Now What?

Original Payment

Once you have an approved Preliminary Estimate from the insurance company, it is time to discuss the Original Payment. The Original Payment is normally sent to you. The Original Payment is only sent once the insurance company accepts Liability. You want to verify the insurance accepts Liability before telling us to start repairs. This payment will be issued by the Insurance Adjuster for the amount of the approved Preliminary Estimate. It could be mailed to you as a check* or Direct Deposited to your bank account depending on your relationship with the Insurance Company.

*If your vehicle has a lien holder, the original payment check will have two names listed in the “Pay To:” line. Some Insurance companies will make the shop (ICON Collision) the second party, others will make the Lien holder (the bank you pay your car note to) an additional party listed on the “Pay To:” line. Signatures from both parties are required to process the check. If you have a lien holder, contact them to obtain their signature (they normally require proof of completed repairs) This two-party system is a security measure to ensure the vehicle (the collateral of the loan) is repaired and made whole again.

If you are a Claimant, this Original Payment will be for the full amount of the Preliminary Estimate. If you are the Insured, The Original Payment will be the amount of Preliminary Estimate amount less your deductible. You are responsible to pay this deducted amount to us when you pick up your vehicle. The deductible amount is removed from the Original Payment total since the Insurance does not owe it. Your deductible amount will vary depending on your policy.

For example, let’s say your Preliminary estimate is $1,850

If your deductible is $500, you will owe $500 from your own funds to us plus the $1,350 Original Payment the insurance sent to you.

If your deductible is $1,000, you will owe $1,000 from your own funds to us plus the $850 Original Payment the insurance sent to you.

If you have a zero deductible claim, or you are a Claimant, you will owe nothing from your own funds toward the original estimate amount. You will only owe the $1,850 Original Payment the insurance sent to you.

We accept Cash, Check, Card, or Apple Pay

There is a 3.5% surcharge on all debt and credit card transactions

Deductibles and Original Payments are due at time of pick up

Ok, I have the payments figured out

Now What?

Scheduling your Repair

You have a Preliminary Estimate and Original Payment. Now, you need a date to drop off for your vehicle repairs.


(901) 213-3266


We recommend using Covington Pike Enterprise for your rental car needs. Once you have a Repair appointment setup with us, you will need to call the insurance company to setup a Rental Car Reservation for you. This Reservation is how Enterprise knows to send the rental bill to the Insurance company once you return the vehicle. Enterprise will shuttle you from our shop to their store to process your rental car.

Enterprise - Convington Pike

(901) 385-8588

2019 Covington Pike

Memphis, TN 38128



Ok, I have my drop off appointment and rental car reserved?

Now What?

Drop Off

Approx. 15-20 minutes with shop, 15-60 minutes with Enterprise.

Before you bring your vehicle to us:

Please remove all personal belongings from the vehicle, especially in the area of repairs.

Please remove excessive dirt from the vehicle exterior, excessive dirt will contaminate the paint process and cause unnecessary corrosion.

Please remove any personal keys from your key ring

If you have a choice between a key with remote buttons and one without remote buttons, please bring the key with the built in remote buttons.

TESLA / EV Vehicle: Please remove the mobile vehicle charger. We have chargers.

TESLA / EV Vehicle: Turn off any Valet mode, PIN to drive, Speed Limit or any other vehicle limiting features. Tesla vehicles will enter Service Mode.

Please remove radar detectors, truck bed tool boxes, dash cameras, breathalyzers and any other aftermarket equipment in the area of repairs.


We have two Authorizations that need to be completed when you arrive. The Authorization form is to be able to work on the vehicle and expresses our warranty. The other, the Direct to Pay form, is so we can process supplement payments for your vehicle repairs. You can request to digitally sign these forms before coming to save time or if your vehicle was towed in. These forms are required before we can begin repairs.

Final Steps

Once you complete your forms and give us a key for the vehicle you are all done! We will answer any questions you have and then you are free to go. if you require an Enterprise rental vehicle, we can call the Covington Pike location and let them know that you have a reservation and you need a pick up. They will come to ICON to shuttle you to their store and, there, they will put you in the rental vehicle you reserved.

Repairs Begin

Teardown and Supplement

This is the most important part of the repair process. Planning…

Teardown is the first step. First, the vehicle is scanned for diagnostic codes or possible calibration issues using OEM scanner software ( This is referred to as the Pre-Scan). Your vehicle is then disassembled to discover all the damages. Damaged exterior panels and trim are removed so the Pre-Operations Manager and tech can see the hidden damage. Our factory certified technicians and damage specialists review the damaged parts, teardown notes, and OEM procedures and then document the findings with photos and notes. OEM repair procedures are researched for the proper and safe replacement/repair of each damaged component. All found damages and required procedures are reviewed by the Pre-Operations manager for accuracy, consolidated into a Supplement, and sent to the Supplement Manager for handling.

A Supplement is a summary report of all the changes to a Preliminary Estimate. We start the Teardown process with the Insurance approved Preliminary Estimate. We will add to and modify the estimate to cover all the needed repairs discovered in the Teardown phase. Those changes are documented as the Supplement. The Supplement document with support (photos, notes, and OEM procedures) is sent to the insurance company for approval. Sometimes insurance companies ask us to make changes to the Supplement and repeat the process. We will then notify you of the findings and let you know of any notable important damages and answer any questions you have. The Supplement Manager will work with the insurance company to obtain supplement approval..

The Supplement approval process can take anywhere from 24 - 72 hours to complete on average. It is possible for approvals to take multiple days or weeks depending on the cooperation of the insurance company.

Why is the supplement process so important?

ICON Collision will determine what your vehicle needs using OEM Repair guidance and years of experience. Our Supplement ensures your vehicle is fully restored to pre-loss condition, even in ways that cannot be seen with the eye. Our Supplement includes our labor rates, labor hours, OEM parts, vehicle calibrations as well as sublet repairs. Without the supplement process, your vehicle cannot be brought back to factory standards.

Unfortunately, the responsible insurance company may not agree to pay for everything we need to repair your vehicle.

We work for you, not for insurance company, and will fight alongside you for the right repair. Ask your advisor for details

Insurance company tactics to cut costs:

Aftermarket, Used, and Optional OEM gray market parts of unknown origin.

Repairing a component versus replacing.

Denying fair labor time to repair a component.

Denying complete vehicle scans with the OEM recommended scanner and OEM recommended software

Paying a “market labor rate” instead of correctly paying our labor rate.

Denying payment for repair materials.

Denying rental vehicle costs due to repair time.

Your advisor will notify you if the insurance company fails to approve the full supplement. We recommend you call and fight the insurance company so they fully pay for the right repair. We will help advocate for you during the negotiation. If they continue to deny the full supplement, you are welcome to agree to cover the balance so we may resume repairs. Repairs can take a long time depending on severity, parts availability, weather, tech availability, and shop workload, so getting started as soon as possible is recommended.


Please call us if you have any questions 901-213-3266

Please visit our information pages concerning alternative parts:

What if my vehicle is declared a

“Total Loss”?

In the State of Tennessee, a damaged vehicle is considered a Total Loss if the repair costs exceed 75% of the vehicle’s current actual cash value.

A total loss can happen to your vehicle, even if it is a newer model year. This is an economic based repair decision required by law that the insurance company decides when settling your claim. If your insurance company does process your claim as a total loss, they will pay you the ACV (Actual Cash Value) for your vehicle less any deductible that applies. They will then sell the vehicle to an auto recycler for the salvage value.

ACV is a hard number to determine and can be miscalculated. Always check the comparable vehicles the insurance company finds to base the value of your vehicle. Ensure they have similar options and mileage. Also, make sure they are not listings from “tote-the-note” dealerships that have artificially low pricing.

A total loss vehicle can still be repaired safely and fully under certain circumstances. Ask your advisor what your options are for repair if your vehicle is declared a Total Loss.

OK, We have approval?

Now What?

Waiting on Parts

Now that we have approval for the repairs, we order parts…

If the Insurance Company agreed to our Supplement as it was written with OEM Parts, then we will proceed with repairs and order parts. Once they arrive, we can go ahead with the repair to your vehicle.


If the Insurance Company changed our supplement to include Alternative parts, we will try Price Matching (See below).

Price Matching

If the Insurance Company figured Alternative parts for your repairs (which is likely), we will try to “Price Match” the parts order with the local dealership. Price Matching is a program offered by OEM’s to sell Factory New OEM Parts to shops for more competitive pricing. Sending your order through this program gets us OEM parts for a discount. Most of the time, the dealership can sell us OEM parts with enough of a discount that they are minimal or no cost to you! If there is a cost difference that cannot be fully matched it will be added to your repair bill. We will call or text and discuss the charge with you.

Typically the difference in cost for OEM parts is less than the price of an oil change. It is always worth it to keep your vehicle original

Alternative parts are not crash tested for safety and never recommended by the manufacturer. Ask your Advisor for details.

Parts can vary on when they arrive. Ideally, we receive parts next day. Due to multiple economic and logistic issues we have see part arrivals become more and more unpredictable. We cannot control when they arrive and cannot start repairs until they do, so keep that in mind. It is possible may have to wait weeks for the right part to continue your repairs.

ICON Collision only uses OEM parts.

Non-OEM/Alternative parts consist of:

Aftermarket: Non-OEM, CAPA, NSF parts

LKQ: “Like, Kind, and Quality” Used, or Salvaged Parts

Opt OEM: Gray Market “OEM” Parts of unknown origin, sourced overseas through unofficial supply channels

 OK, Parts are here.

Now What?

Collision Repair

We begin repairs! Depending on when parts arrive, we may be able to start within a few days. If they arrive especially late/unpredictably, the tech may have to complete a vehicle before starting on your vehicle. It is a hard thing to time. We will do our best to start as quickly as possible. Your advisor will let you know general progress updates and answer any questions you have as repairs progress.

It is common small damages or issues are discovered during the repairs; we will submit additional Supplements to the insurance company for approval.

The Collision Repair Process:

Suspension > Structural > Body > Airbags > Mechanical >

Refinish > Glass > Reassembly > Calibrations >

Clear Coat Buffing > Detail and Clean up >

Post Repair Scan > Test Drive > Quality Control Check >

Verify Direction of Payments


Your car is ready!

Pick up

Your vehicle is ready to pick up!

Your advisor will let you know close to the end of repairs which completion date looks accurate. Once the vehicle is to our satisfaction and we have received all the Final Supplement Paperwork and Supplement Payment Confirmations, you are ready to pick up.*

*Your vehicle may be physically ready and still require approving paperwork before it is ready for pick up. Please ensure you speak with your advisor to confirm your vehicle is ready.

If the insurance denied labor rates or any other calculated expenses this is when we will know those final amounts.

Things you need for pick up

If you have an Insurance Claim:

Original Payment*

*Verify all needed signatures are on the check, especially lien holders. We cannot process a two party check without all signatures. If you have not received the original check. You can call the insurance and authorize a Stop Pay on the lost check. We will then need that payment reissued directly to our shop and an email confirmation that they have done so. Once confirmation is received, we are OK to release the vehicle.

Payment for Deductible amount*

*if applicable. Verify the deductible amount is correct with your insurance before pick up. In some situations, the amount can change mid-repairs.

Payment for any outstanding repair balance*

*Cost of required repairs denied by the insurance company. These are charges you agreed to pay if the insurance company denied them. If this happens to you, you recommend you file a complaint with the Insurance Commissioner against the Insurance company.

If your repair was Self Pay:

Payment for total repairs

Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Check, Apple Pay

We do not accept American Express so please keep this in mind.

There is a 3.5% surcharge on all debit and credit card transactions

Rental Car Return

Your vehicle must be returned directly to Enterprise and they will provide transportation to our store for pick up.

Enjoy your vehicle!